Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life updates

Lots has happened and is happening and will happen and i am here after a ridiculously long break to leak some of the happenings. Many a times during the break, i wondered why i dont feel the need to blog anymore. And the best i could come up with was - because it doesnt function anymore as a release for all my angst. Although thats not really an answer because why not? Its not that the angst has gone away. Maybe its that i've gotten good at locking it up in a corner and moving on with life.

Anyway. Now that my passport and Visa are safely with me (or will shortly be), i can declare that we - the Dude and I - will be moving to the US! For 3 years, though no one believes me when i say that. Lots of back and forth and confusion later, the finally plan is to move there in Feb. And i will be jobless from Jan. Yikes! When i was jobless before (between the last job and this - just for a month), i was extremely frustrated, terrified and whatnot. The dude couldnt understand why, and my big mouth told him its because there isnt enough to do around here and if this was the US i would never ever complain. Well, now we shall see. This bout of joblessness is likely to last longer than a month, but i'm hoping at least some of the coping mechanisms i carry in my head will work. If it doesnt, i will start a day care and make my cousin send her kids to me!

Getting the passport is a long an interesting tale that involves a lot of stories that cannot be attached to my good name. The Visa interview on the other hand was a non event. I will be going as a dependent, and the Visa officer didnt ask me a single question. Not one thing! I cant decide whether to be happy or insulted. How many times had i mugged up the name of Dude's engineering college and place of birth? And prayed that they dont ask me if i plan to work there, because i cant say no and shouldnt say yes? But - nothing! Our visa interview was at 8.30 in the morning and as usual my biggest fear was what if i get hungry in there. So i carried a bag of food. The guard saw my bag and asked me - where is your child? I told her the food was for me. She was not amused and asked me to get rid of it :( Other than that and some questions about the passports I lost, the whole process was smooth.

Thats it for now. Toodle-oo!

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