Wednesday, February 25, 2004

"Man invented work to keep himself from thinking " - said someone, and i couldn't agree more. When life is filled with work, or rather life is work (like mine has been for the past couple of weeks), not only do you not have the time to think, you also stop noticing the small things that set you off on some trail of thought. Which is why, when i am swamped with work, one of the first things that take a hit is my blog - I dont have the time and I dont have the ideas. Not that i'm overflowing with creativity the rest of the time, but least i manage to find something to write
about once in a couple of days.
Beware, all ye readers!! Now that I am relatively free, i'm going to spam my blog with all that has happened all these months.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Some events in life make you question your reasons, your motives. "Why am I here" ? "Why am I doing this" ? Writing get and set methods to provide access for 130 private members of a class at past 10 in the night pretty much did it for me! With each function, I told myself - "Be a lazy programmer. Write a script to do this". But, at past 10 in the night, though you can rely on your copy-pasting abilities, you really wouldn't care to bet on your script writing ones.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

There was once this man who lived in a village. Though he had everything he was not happy. His biggest complaint was that his house was too small. One day, he happened to meet the sadhu who sat the the edge of the forest near the village, and poured out all his problems. The sadhu listened patiently and then told him to get his cows to live inside the house for a week. The man had a lot of faith in the sadhu and did as was told. A week later, the man went back to the sadhu and said - "The whole house is stinking. There's no place to cook, no place to sleep, its really terrible ". The sadhu told him to keep his pigs inside the house for a week. The man could hardly believe his ears, but he still had faith. So, again, he did as he was told. A week later, the man came back to the sadhu, nearly in tears. He said - " Now, even the cows are stinking ! No one in the village wants to have anything to do with our family. What should i do ?" The sadhu asked him to take the animals back to their sheds and clean up the house. Relieved, the man rushed home and did as was told. A month later, the man happened to meet the sadhu and the sadhu asked - "So, how's your house?" The man replied - "You must come to my house. I'm sure you have never seen a more spacious house. It's got place for everything I need need and more !!"

Life after GATE is indeed wonderful !!

Monday, February 09, 2004

Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew !

For those who didn't understand, that was me exhaling.
I'm free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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