Sunday, July 08, 2012

Pop goes my July

So one of the things that was rotting on my plate for a very long time is no longer there. Thats not a good thing, in case you were wondering. Its a "na rahega baas na bajegi baansuri" kinda solution to the problem, which is not what i wanted. At all. I want to hit myself on the head but i cant, and the dude is being all understanding, so will someone on the Internet please reach out and hit me one, thanks?

So, what do i do with July? With all the discipline i worked up? One option is to go ahead and do what i was going to do anyway, doesnt matter if there is no urgency. The thing is still important. But without a proper finish line, i dont know if i can run the race. I read somewhere that the most important thing about a goal is having one. But as of now, thats the plan.

What i did go ahead and do, is start the celebrations :D Saw Spiderman yesterday at a friendly theater nearby, which still has a "stall" and you can buy a ticket and go sit anywhere. Its awesome, its very near to home and you can just go buy tickets anytime, no advance planning required and its "cheap" and all the crying children around just add to the experience. With Ice age 4 and Dark Knight rises and Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter all due to release this month, i think we will get a monthly pass. I also bought this book from Amazon to read on the kindle.

It'll be nice if i can include discipline as part of my life, rather than having to pause life for it.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

This is Juuuulyyyyy

(I know that you know. But that’s my new war cry, and don’t tell me the Spartans didn’t know that “this” was Sparta).

July is the month where I become a super-efficient machine and get rid of all the stuff that’s been rotting on my plate forever. July is the month in which discipline is my, do I say it, oh what the hell, bitch. The month in which I lose weight, the month in which I get rid of the devils that torment me, the month in which I bring out that legendary self-control that hasn’t shown its face in a while. It’s a month in which I am not likely to get much time to breathe, but that’s okay because come August, I promise myself the following:

-          A trip to someplace fun

-          Buy one book to read on the kindle a month. I cant believe I actually have to make myself do this. I thought I’d have to stop myself from ODing on the Kindle, not to mention custodial fights with the dude. Turns out stuff rotting on my plate puts me off reading.

-          House hunting. Every damn weekend.  Other than the time I am on a trip.

Yesterday was good. Today slightly less so. Tomorrow, its still Juuuulyyyyy.
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