Monday, March 30, 2009


I did it! Seven whole days of eating according to syllabus!! GM diet shall now proudly head the extra curricular activities section of my resume. A few years ago, i would have been super impressed with myself, not to mention super ashamed. Today, after a little gloat, i'll take it in my stride.

Day 1: Only fruits. Bad. At the end of the day, i was willing idlis to turn into fruits.
(People offered me pastries. They promised not to tell anyone, even.)

Day 2: Only vegetables. Worse. Worst, actually. Low on energy. Head ached, tooth followed. I dreamed of fruits.
(Someone got chocolates to work. People made sure i saw them eat.)

Day 3: Fruits and vegetables. Awesome! Woke up fresh. Felt great all day. Except for disconcertingly pleasing images of bakasur finishing off truckloads of food and breaking open watermelons for dessert.
(People offered me cream biscuits.)

Day 4: Milk and bananas. And wonder soup. The soup saved my day. Wasnt as bad as i'd convinced myself it would be.
(It was gudi padwa and people had modak and srikhand and basundi Waaaaaanh. I'm not exactly sure what basundi is, but it made me cry.)

Day 5: Tomatoes. LOTS. And brown rice and palak and rajma. Normal

Day 6: Vegetables. Brown rice. Sprouts. Tofu. Normal.

Day 7: Vegetables. Fruits. Brown rice. Sprouts. THE END!

I havent seen the results yet but i dont feel particularly light or fresh or super intelligent. Rather anti-climatic it is, at least after the first 4 days. But if the results are good, its a nice short cut to have!

Monday, March 23, 2009

For want of a purpose

Who has Monday blues on a Monday evening?
I rock at feeling sorry for myself. I doubt if anyone does it better.
Ooh, i could watch that movie until its time to sleep.
Call him about that cake.
Call her.
Please? Its a good movie.
At least download the songs she was kind enough to send you.
Not even if it is the only thing that'll get me out of this bed? I suppose not.
Reply or she'll think you died.
I should go on that diet!

And that is how, from tomorrow, i go on the GM diet. The whole world has done it and survived, so i should not be so scared. But i am. Which is why the declaration. Kick me if i default.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

What if...

(Something i wrote a while ago. At that time i thought it needed polishing. Now i dont see why. Plus its Sunday. How can i not post on a Sunday?)

Imagine a time far far far away. Ahead. Imagine we have survived our own stupidity, imagine the sun did not turn into a red giant, imagine we, or whatever it is we have evolved into, still live on. There is some kind of society, and it engages most people in matters of survival. Let us imagine that that fulfills them, gives them a sense of purpose in life. Imagine that we humans have learnt a lot more about life and the universe but we havent learnt everything. There is still a lot of unknown that beckons.

Now we come to the problem. To go beyond where your forefathers have already gone, you have to get there first. However, the knowledge accumulated over the years is so much that one lifetime is not enough to take it all in. So while the journey is not over, no one lives long enough to get to the starting point.

The question is, will this frustrate just the academic minority or will it affect society as a whole? How much does the majority care about progress, unless it directly makes their life easier? And even then they find something else to complain about. Lack of scientific/philosophical/artistic progress should practically speaking not affect their lives at all. Survival is a full time and extremely fulfilling job for most. How important then is the illusion that we as a species are getting closer to the answers? Even if I as an individual am doing nothing to directly contribute to our getting there, and moving one step closer is in no way going to affect/improve my life. Will academia simply be abolished and everyone concentrate on survival/entertainment? Or will the feeling of purposelessness overwhelm society to such an extent that people would decide to destroy everything and start over, just to have somewhere to get to?

If it came to picking sides, which side would be your good side?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Maybe the connection is bad?

Hello? How you doin' up there? All good in the land of the gods? I was just wondering, you know, given all the spare time my life seems to be made up of, whether there is any chance that while making the world, you got so carried away by the beauty of the deep and meaningful questions your creations would come up with, that you, erm... forgot to put in the answers? Did you?



Yeah, i though so.
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