Sunday, March 01, 2009

Maybe the connection is bad?

Hello? How you doin' up there? All good in the land of the gods? I was just wondering, you know, given all the spare time my life seems to be made up of, whether there is any chance that while making the world, you got so carried away by the beauty of the deep and meaningful questions your creations would come up with, that you, erm... forgot to put in the answers? Did you?



Yeah, i though so.


Unknown said...

deep...insightful talk...
we shud hav a philo session once..on our terrace katta..:)

vinaya said...

We should, but on the terrace?? I cannot imagine two serious sentences spoken there without someone saying something that earns them "the look"!

Sumit Sorde said...

If questions are of the form
1. How are you?
2. What's up?
3. How's life?
Then I fully agree with u :)

vinaya said...

Those and worse.
What should be up with life?
What do you want to be up with life?

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