Monday, March 30, 2009


I did it! Seven whole days of eating according to syllabus!! GM diet shall now proudly head the extra curricular activities section of my resume. A few years ago, i would have been super impressed with myself, not to mention super ashamed. Today, after a little gloat, i'll take it in my stride.

Day 1: Only fruits. Bad. At the end of the day, i was willing idlis to turn into fruits.
(People offered me pastries. They promised not to tell anyone, even.)

Day 2: Only vegetables. Worse. Worst, actually. Low on energy. Head ached, tooth followed. I dreamed of fruits.
(Someone got chocolates to work. People made sure i saw them eat.)

Day 3: Fruits and vegetables. Awesome! Woke up fresh. Felt great all day. Except for disconcertingly pleasing images of bakasur finishing off truckloads of food and breaking open watermelons for dessert.
(People offered me cream biscuits.)

Day 4: Milk and bananas. And wonder soup. The soup saved my day. Wasnt as bad as i'd convinced myself it would be.
(It was gudi padwa and people had modak and srikhand and basundi Waaaaaanh. I'm not exactly sure what basundi is, but it made me cry.)

Day 5: Tomatoes. LOTS. And brown rice and palak and rajma. Normal

Day 6: Vegetables. Brown rice. Sprouts. Tofu. Normal.

Day 7: Vegetables. Fruits. Brown rice. Sprouts. THE END!

I havent seen the results yet but i dont feel particularly light or fresh or super intelligent. Rather anti-climatic it is, at least after the first 4 days. But if the results are good, its a nice short cut to have!


Unknown said...

now tat ur done...chalo cadB...chalo pastry...chalo..:D

Ashwin said...

congrats :D

Mohsin said...

And welcome back to the world of, well, what normal people eat :p

Anonymous said...

What does GM stand for??

vinaya said...

Zaru: Ho gayi CadB, ho gayi pastry!

Ashwin: Thanks! You should have been here, we would have made you one of us :D

Mohsin: Thanks! Normal? And us???

Anon: General Motors. For some reason they found it necessary to invent a diet.

Sumit Sorde said...

Shouldn't GM introduced diet include oil products?

vinaya said...

And grease. And other lubricants?

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