Monday, September 10, 2012


Why are life’s moments so fleeting? They never come to me in slow motion, wearing a pretty dress and twirling around so I can admire it from all around. Its always like I am watch them whizz by sitting in a train. I barely get time to register that something wonderful has happened before I’ve moved on to the mundane. Sometimes I think we should forcefully pause life and celebrate the good things. Like the exit of things that have finally been kicked off the TODO pile, where they had taken roots and had grand kids. Like things falling into place so beautifully, better even than your imagination. Like even maybe birthdays. Or Thursdays. But then, shouldn't the event itself be enough? Does the after party give meaning to the victory?

Spectacular things have happened to me and around me this year,  and I sit here and wonder, how big does something have to be, before it registers in my life as something more than a happy blip.


Unknown said...

I so agree with what you've said. Seriously, need to celebrate every small moment of happiness instead of waiting for something big. Ok, I don't know what big might mean, but yeah u get my point.

vinaya said...

Strangely, its the small ones i am okay at :) The big ones, the ones i have been waiting for forever, the ones i alsmot dont believe will ever happen, those are the ones that pass me by.

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