Monday, March 01, 2010

If i had the source code

Do you have things that fall into "things you cannot change" category of the Serenity Prayer, you are wise enough to know it and yet you helplessly rage against it? There are many, now that i think of it, but the one i want to rage about now is the necessity of having to be dropped home if it gets late.

I hate it. Having people escort me halfway across town just because i decided to stay out late, no matter that they do it willingly, no matter that i'd have done the same if the positions were reversed, no matter that they tell me my company is worth the trouble (and i am vain enough to believe them). In fact i'll go all dramatic on you and tell you that late nights are when the chains of womanhood are most keenly felt.

What would the world be like, if i had the source code? It'd be an extended IITK campus, where time is just a number. Where the best memories are made at times considered unsuitable in the outside world. Where the only danger you face at night is an overly curious night watchman wanting to know which hostel you belong to.

Only, there'd be a little more wind.


Unknown said...

so true...
i hate the dependency we have to have on the other gender!!

vinaya said...

Yes exactly. Being baby-sat at this age is not a good thing.

And if someone has decided to harm/attack you, two people will not be much better than one!

Jana said...

Things are slowly changing now, but I agree with you. I'm sure next generation will not feel this way. At least, I hope so.

Agar IITK mein rehna hai tho, main position le leta hoon. phir poori zindagi apne ghar mein rehna :)

vinaya said...

Its not just about "log kya kahenge". I guess there really is a question of safety. Not sure how soon that is going away.
Of course, we can protect the next gen by making sure they only travel in cars :D

Prof ki maa campus mein baddie khelege to teri naak ka kya hoga?? :P

Jana said...

kyon prof. ki maa baddie nahi khel sakthi ? :P "The mother" is a multi-talented personality :)

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