Thursday, March 11, 2010

Its the little things

Today at work this little one and i did something that if i'd seen someone else do, i'd have walked around all day with respect in my eyes. Its funny now, because today i'm both the respected and the respecting. As the little respecting girl i'm all awe and how did they fix that and i'd have never thought of it. As the respected, i know it was nothing more than perseverance and luck and open eyes. I also know:

- The more bored you are with your work, the more other people's problems will call out to you.

- Two heads are better than one. They think differently, but most importantly they make it fun. By which i dont mean to tell you to go Zaphod, although that might be kind of fun too.

- Victory needs an audience. Of a specific kind. Without which it seems incomplete. Insignificant. And this place has set the bar for the right kind of audience impossibly high.


Charuta said...

so tomcat is invincible now.. :D

vinaya said...

Hehe. Bheegi billi bana phir raha hai :D

vinaya said...

Generally we stopped a thing from crashing. Exactly we figured out it was doing so because two people were including two different versions of a header file. Not so awesome now, eh? What do i do but. Debugging other people's mess excites me like little else :|

I! Profound!! Thanks!!!

P.S. Profound is such a weird word no?

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