Thursday, March 04, 2010

I didnt do it

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by sleep or boredom that you had to find a place to put your head down and switch off for a bit? Have you even picked the loo to be that place? And woken up many many minutes later because of a cramp in the neck? Gone to splash water on your face and spotted something on your forehead that on closer inspection turned out to be the pattern on your sweater? Which has embedded itself there when you lay your head down on your hand and slept. A diamond shaped pattern with a deep vertical gash at the center. Have you then tried rubbing it off with water only to see it turn an angry red? Have you given up and gone and sat at your desk pretending to be in deep thought, one hand covering your forehead?

No? Me neither.

While we are talking about things you and i havent done, have you, as part of pretending to be in deep thought, wondered what would happen if you stuck the legs of the Dogbert toy on your desk into one of the POE ports on your desk? Would Dogbert be wired in and empowered? Would it bring that evil dog to life? And would that be such a bad thing? Having something in your life that can unhesitatingly be called evil, i mean. So you could hate it, put up pictures of it on a dartboard, plot to destroy it, dream about its downfall, all without a nagging sense of guilt. As opposed to being slowly but surely strangled by good intentions and not being able to respond, except with good intentions of your own.


Unknown said...

naaah...u havnt...i've taken a nap in the loo too often :P

btw..the pattern..looked nice..if nly it was more centered it wud look like a teeka :P

n d dogbert thingy..ilikes :D

vinaya said...

Aaha! I knew someone was napping in the loo. It was you all along :P

You are the only person who has seen the pattern that wasnt there. I'm going to have to find a way to silence you.

I never thought i'd say this, but yeah, Dogbert looks cute!

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