Sunday, July 01, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

Society has been asking for it for a while now. What i would like to do more than anything else is to kick it in the backside. However, such physical display of affection being impractical, i have been brooding. And not without result. I have come up with a conspiracy theory! From the makers of society, no less!

Let me state at the outset that for this theory of mine, i have no proof whatsoever. Unless you can count the fact that i would have done it this way if i were one of the makers making up society as proof. When the wise men and women sat down to figure out the rules that they expected majority of mankind to obey, they settled on the strictest possible subset. Not because they were mean, frustrated people but because they realized the importance of the illusion of freedom. They knew there would be rebels, people trying to break free. And they designed the rules such that people could break free without too much damage either to themselves or to their precious society. Kind of like keeping a kid locked in a room, telling him it is to protect him from the dangers outside, so that even if he breaks out he is still within the the house. Free and safe. So, you don't have to actually fly in order to feel that you have broken away, just dancing in the middle of the road will do it.

(Now that I think of it, it seems more common sense than conspiracy. But what kind of a post tile would common sense be?)

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