Friday, December 11, 2009

Talking about the weather

Since i havent classified anything in a while. I've often tried to slot the people in my life into two groups which i shall name fair weather friends and, rather imaginatively, foul weather friends. Not in any way related to the usual sense if any, in which these terms are used.

Fair weather friends are those with whom you like to "hang" in fair weather. When the going is good, they make it better. You enjoy the same things, you laugh at each other's jokes. They are the ones you miss during the good times.

And then there are foul weather friends. People you want when the going gets tough. Who encourage you, advise you, motivate you or just listen. The world feels a lot less worse when they are by your side.

And then of course are the people who defy classification. The people who carry your weather with them. They can make the sun come out on a rainy day. Or cause thunder showers in summer. The ones who evoke such strong reactions from you, you wish you knew why.


Unknown said...

This post of urs..strikes a chord with me...

im now trying to classify my friends :)

Ashwin said...

very well said. very true!

Sumit Sorde said...

Shouldn't this classification criteria itself be classifed?
And are the fair weather friends really friends!!!

vinaya said...

Zaru: (must not make classification jokes. must not make classification jokes.)
:) Did it fit?

Ashwin: thanks! Good to know my sense is not your nonsense :D

Sumit: You have no idea i how hard it is to resist making classification jokes.
As for fair weather friends being friends, i used to think not too. But now i dont. Its not that they ditch you in troubled times, its just that you dont have that kind of equation with them, where you could approach them for support or comfort.

Anonymous said...

nice one...this is so nowadays most things get linked to growing age..i have noticed that the "fair weather" n "rough weather" become more distinct , rough weather reducing as u grow older. In more innocent times, all frnds are frnds, for good or bad times!

Ram said...


I'll definitely add a few when I classify.

vinaya said...

charuta: rough weather is so much better a name.

Exactly what i was thinking about the effects of ageing! And it is a little strange no, we face more rough weather as we grow older, and yet... Maybe we have more than our share of it to deal with and dont particularly want to weather other people's storms.

lonesailor: Thanks :) You'll add a few more weather conditions?

Unknown said...

no..i kinda gave up classifying...
i mean..hardly matters...
ther r always nly a few u remember wen ur in it good or bad times...
thers no..huge set of frnds lying to be :)

vinaya said...

Oh yeah! The classification is not intended to help you decide whom to turn to for help. That, as you say, comes naturally. Its just a kind of post-mortem, i guess.

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