Sunday, February 01, 2009

Yaay! Blogpost material

Says one of the many messages on the cast on my leg. No one should be surprised that i hurt myself, but this one is cool in so many ways, where do i begin?

1. I didnt stumble. Or fall. Or miss a step. And yet within the span of a second there grew a lump of the kind they show in the mug-shots of goiter patients near my ankle.
Happened while i was skipping down the stairs, headed for our Friday bash. Friends gathered around. No one was sure how big ankles really are, so i was made to remove my other shoe so we could compare. Result was non-zero. Went back to my seat and waited for the burger that my Friday bash was reduced to.

2. Was driven to a big hospital in a big car by two big and very kind people.
My uncle tells me i missed Lata Mangeshkar being hospitalized there for a knee replacement surgery by a day. Damn.

3. Where i was wheeled around in a wheel chair! Something about a guy pushing you from behind, i dont know, it gives you a feeling of meeting the world head-on. Bring it on, i wanted to yell to all the curtains we went through, i'm ready for you! Genius that i am, i mastered operating the thing in the two minutes he left me alone with it. I'm ready to yettu podu on it, that is how comfortable i am.

4. One of the doctor's assistants came to look at the x-ray (in which my flat feet dont look flat. At all). He peered at the x-ray, squinted at it, tilted it at all angles, went a few steps back and started at it from a distance and in general spent a lot of time looking for whatever he was looking for in it. I wanted to tell him, what with me being such an expert on all things medical having watched Grey's Anatomy AND House AND err... Scrubs, dude, thats not how the cool ones do it. Just a glance tells them whats in there. He then gave up on the photograph and moved on to the real thing. Poked around the swelling for a while. I really should have accidentally kicked him while i could.

5. I got to see, live and exclusive, the cast being put on my foot! The PoP strips, the cotton, the bandage, the tub of water, all of it! The two other times i was casted, i woke up with the cast. This time i saw the miracle. Blessed are my eyes.
(Reminds me of the first time i had stitches. I was so mad it was my upper lip that was getting stitched. I wanted too see! The second time around it was my finger, i am ashamed to admit it was too chicken to see).
I did embarrass myself by asking him whether my jeans would come off once he put on the cast. I was worried, the only alternative i could see was to live in them for 15 days. It didnt occur to me they could be cut, until one kind man asked me if they were my favourite. Then i wanted to cry.

6. I got crutches!!! From the hospital, on rent, because that foot has a ligament torn and is not to be disturbed until further notice. So much advance thinking and execution is really not me. I am that person who would reach office, keep one foot out and then wonder how to climb up two floors without using the other foot. I dont know what got into me. Whatever it is, i hope it stays.

7. Got delivered home in a car by another kind soul. Even though i'd told them about the cast and the crutches, it was pretty dramatic. The 10 meters i had to walk from the car to the door, i did it with such ease and grace and speed, i could have been walking on four legs all my life.People said so.

8. And now for the best part. The cast has writing all over it! The few hours i spent in office before i could be transported home, i spent guilting people into writing messages on it. Because comments are so precious, i have to reply to them!

<insert-name-of-process-that-does-all-the-work> was killed" - Genius. Pure genius. If only it was mirror imaged.

Yaay! Blogpost material - Nothing but.

Gym mein mat aana - Sob. Naheeeeee! Please? I promise to run on just one leg!

!Work from home - too late. People missed the "not" and decided i was desperate enough to write it down.

Get well soon :) - like Zarin said, someone had to say it! Also its the only one my grandfather "got" and it made him happy. So thanks!

You are NOT Claire :O - Again, genius. Yes, i know that now.

Nerve Panic - Heh. Thats one problem we wont be asking you to reproduce!

Thats it folks. See you in two weeks with hollow armpits, etched out biceps and one very fit leg.


Unknown said...

hmm..ur nt see...i can fortell the future..ur blogpost material..:D;)

vinaya said...

Wow, you even painted it on my cast!!

You tell me you can foretell the future and the first question that comes to my mind is - can you predict your own bugs? Shame.

Unknown said...

coz tats somethin tat even the Almighty cannot do..;)

Sumit Sorde said...

"Member of a movie cast in another cast"!
Where does this rank in in ur cast captions list? Shall I say Get well soon? Coz u seem a lot excited to be in this new cast ;)

Mohsin said...

of course it's mirror imaged..

vinaya said...

Zaru: :D

Sumit: Hehe! That was gooood!
Excited I am! I about a week, you can tell me to get well soon.

Mohsin: Aah. I should have known. Sorry i doubted your faithfulness to the movie. Esp given one of you has seen it twice.

Sumit Sorde said...

will tell u on 4th ;)

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