Sunday, February 08, 2009


(Yes i've gone nuts with posts. So sue me.)

There is change in which you and world are on the same side. You are like a pebble lying in the river. You just lie there, the river just flows and one day you wake up to see all the rough edges gone. Smooth, you think, and wonder why people find it so difficult to change.

Then there is change where you are against the world. You are the agent, you have to fight to get to where you want. You discover the meaning of words like resistance and comfort zone and inertia. You come to see how deep traditions go, you come to see the strength of the world.

And there is change that wants to change the world. I dont think i'm allowed to even talk about it.

Is there a point to this? Probably none, other than the fact that i like to classify.

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