Sunday, February 08, 2009

House, M.D.

You know how in movies the world sometimes seems to dance to your tune? Ad billboards, mannequins, statues on crossings, traffic policemen, everyone seems to be singing your song. It happening to me, but in a much more creepy way. Was watching House yesterday and this one character says to another who is stuck in a rut but doesnt know how to get out - The only wrong thing is to nothing. And i felt like hugging her. And slapping her.

Another interesting conversation in the same episode. (Yes, i get my dose of philosophy from TV series. Problem?) The patient is this famous cancer researcher who quit 8 months ago because her job wasnt making her happy. And is now learning to dance. And cook. The doctors at the hospital are all over her, not able to understand how anyone can do that. One of them used to be a plastic surgeon.

(Note: i made up the dialogs. They have better writers)

Ex-plastics guy: I used to love my job. The money, the hours, the people, everything. I gave all that up for a crappy job, a boss from hell, peanuts for pay. I'm not happy. But you know what, i can go home at night look myself in the mirror and say - i did something worthwhile today.
Ex-cancer-researcher: Yes, i miss that. But it just
wasnt enough.

Damn. I always figured if i went after the satisfaction, the happiness would follow. Dont tell me i'll have to look for something that satisfies me AND makes me happy. I'll give everything up and go live in a cave. With wifi. I'll ask for nothing more.

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