Thursday, June 05, 2008

Keeping the faith


Offence intended = NONE
If Offence taken != NONE
Give it back. Its mine.

Most people find it in religion. Some in drink. Me, i find my escape in American television. It can absorb me to the exclusion of everything else. It can show such miserably complicated lives that i come off feeling grateful for mine.

The only time it lets me down is this season break thing. Whoever heard of God taking a break?? Especially on a year when He has already gone on a strike? Unfair, i tell you. I would have switched loyalties, only i've heard God doesnt do Internet.


Sumit Sorde said...

Well.. the break gives u a chance to refresh your memories by watching the episodes again ;)

vinaya said...

It also gives me time to try out new series. But i think i've decided to focus on the dark cloud here.
(Mujhe mere House Season 1 se kab mila ahe ho?)

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