Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So i graduated into qualifying for a laptop at work. It was something i'd been secretly expecting. I'd catch myself dreaming, while lazing on the bean bags kept at the library, of some day having a laptop that would set me free. To work from a bean bag. Or a sofa, shoes off, feet up. To lie in some corner, transcribing the millions of posts coarsing through my veins. Even so, when i was called and told, here, its yours, i wanted to yawp and turn cartwheels. Of course, since i was at work, i had to content myself with a few discrete jumps in the loo.
At home, it means we have now become a one-computing-device-per-head family. Before you look down upon this extravagance and shake you head, remember the days when we used to snigger at families with one two-wheeler per head? And those with one phone per head? Its blowing in the wind, this is, and soon it will get to you too. Me Aunt says its the fastest way to bring about world peace. I agree.
I love my laptop (think i should give it a name? Laptop is too formal, lappie sounds like a dog) even though it hasnt exactly set me free. I havent figured out the wireless connection yet. The damn thing only connects to open wireless networks, which, considering where i work, would be like a night watchman leaving his home unlocked at night. As of now, i've been treating it as a giant pen drive, lugging stuff from office to home and back. Someday, it will change my life.


Sumit Sorde said...

Which one?
Well u forgot the most important thing : A laptop is a true savior or ur best friend for those office meetings which you have to attend for listening management sermons on the future of your product! Though i doubt that will happen in startups. Does it?

vinaya said...

Dell. Huge. Ancient.
It does. But they happen on the terrace an unfortunately, anyone carrying a laptop there would look petty silly.

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