Saturday, October 08, 2005

The holiday season is upon us. Let us go around spreading joy and cheer! Joy and cheer? All I seem to be able to do now-a-days is mutter threats under my breath and throw dark looks at anyone I remotely suspect is going home. Why am I never the one who gets to go home while the world remains behind to work? This time, I don't even know why I am not going!
The standard way of dealing with this is to tell yourself that you will avenge it all by doing ground-breaking research in 10 days, publish a paper or two. However, by now yourself has heard this so many times, it refuses to be taken in and screams back - WHOM ARE YOU KIDDING?
What scares me most though, is the Diwali-depression. Yay, I get to remain back during Diwali too, to carry out "change-the-way-the-world-works" research while the world wastes its time on fireworks and sweets. Lucky me!

I hate pseudo-holidays.


Anonymous said...

Hey vin, it is your self imposed decision to stay back for baddie. so stop crying now :) and play cool!!!!

i would give anything to play baddie continously for 10 days ;).


Pooja said...

Look at it this way, you are somebody's envy girl!!, how many ppl would love to trade places with you at IIT, *sigh*, yeah even in the hols.

But come to think of it, with all that research, how come the world is not becoming a better place?
(I suspect its got something to do with you playing baddie instead of working on you-know-what ;-)

vinaya said...

Harsh: That reason was for diwali! No coach, no captain, how am i supposed to practise?
A brilliant idea! Why dont you come here and then we can go painting the courts red :D

Pooja: You made me realize that baring holidays and my suppoed thesis, i simply LOVE it here! And some patience. By the end of diwali, i'm sure the world will become a better place :P

Anonymous said...

Hey Vin,

"No coach, no captain, how am i supposed to practise?" I hope you have a shuttle 2 rackets and a player available for practice ;).
I would have come if i could, and as you put it we wouldve painted the courts red. what color are they by the way ;), here in persistent they are green :)).

Anonymous said...

vin, even i cant imagine why u arent coming! has Pune lost its charm??? whats so interesting in Kanpur besides baddy? :)


vinaya said...

The courts are brown here. Red would be a lot more intersting, don't you think?

The long and unintersting version:
I had decided to come during diwali because my brother would be home then. That got cancelled because of baddie and i'm stuck here forever :((
The short, interesting and of course untrue version:
Dont you mean who? Ek ho to bataoon ;)

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