Monday, October 17, 2005

Another trip. This time to a jungle (redefined to mean a few bushes on a mountain) and a waterfall. Some thoughts follow.

When will the Kumbh Mela be held?

Why do Indians consider the cow to be sacred?

What is the difference between different newspapers like The Hindu, Hindustan Times ... Do they have political leanings?

All questions asked by a French exchange student traveling with us.

Kumbh mela? Yes, I remember reading about it in A Suitable Boy. Its supposed to be held near Sangam, I think. The mela where thousands of babies are lost and hundreds of movies are made. No, no idea when or where or why.

Cow? Sacred? Well, yes. But I mean, what nonsense! We don't believe in all that. We are the new generation. We throw all old beliefs out the window, no questions asked.

The Hindu, well, I think it is a little boring. The Times of India is too populist. Of course newspapers have leanings. No paper is impartial. What are the leanings of these newspapers? Well.. umm... err... I don't really know.

No Past. No present. Will we have a future?


Anonymous said...

well lemme take things one at a time.

the kumbh mela is not held at Sangam (where is sangam by the way :) ), it is held in 4 places in india: nasik, ujjain, allahabad and one which i forgot.

About cows being sacred, i dont think thats nonsense. Cows in india are much better off than cows in the west where beef is a delicacy. better to be sacred than scared;). In fact all animals should be made sacred.

about the last point, corruption has crept into the very root of the society. cant blame the papers. it starts with the common man, which is us, we are responsible.


vinaya said...

Sangam is in Allahabad :))

And as for cows, what i wanted to say was, if we blindly reject every belief passed on to us the way the previous generations used to accept everything, we are not much better, are we?

Anonymous said...

The kumbh mela is also held in Haridwar.

Well personally I think a cow is sacred because it is a versatile animal agricultarally. It gives milk which nurtures life, produces (?) manure which fertilizes and their husbands (??) the bulls pull the plough. So killing a cow is quite unviable. In the olden days, things were given a religous twist so that the common folk would take it seriously.

Lastly The Times of India is pro congress, Indian Express is pro BJP. The Hindu is impartial and good journalism but boring and Hindustan Times is quite Delhi speicific.

Chalo bachcho pair chchuo

vinaya said...

Rohan: Pair kahan hai tumhare??
Seriously, wow! About cows, i was lamenting about the lack of the thought process. In my case, it goes - "Cows? Sacred? Crap!"

Kaushik: I knew the Hindu was neutral, but i'd always been told by an English teacher (who also happens to be my mom) that its English is of too high a standard and hence never attempted to read it!

Anonymous said...

I still maintain that the kumbh mela is held in 4 places and on some investigation it is held in Nasik Ujjain Prayag(near Allahabad) and haridwar.
At Prayag it is held at the banks of sangam ;).

Rohan your reasoning about cows being sacred was enligtening. honestly, i had not thought about it that way.


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