Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Heard this line in a movie once:
Most of us don't have to face the fact that given the right circumstances, we are capable of anything. Anything.

Terrifying. And the only lines that kept coming to my mind when I was watching Schindler's List a few days ago. I've read about the atrocities in numerous books, watched it in several movies and what scares me the most is that it was all carried out by ordinary people! That given the "right" motivation, you and I are capable of such inhuman acts puts a big question mark of the future of our "civilization".

The question is not Will we have a future, but Should we have a future.


Anonymous said...

You dont have to watch schindlers list to realize how inhuman "humans" can be. Ever saw some excerpts from the 1984 riots, or the partition riots on tv?
Is it justified to massacre thousands of innocents from a clan because one of the clan committed a crime.

Is it justified to kill muslims in India because hindus are being killed across the border, and vice versa? someone somewhere has to be sensible and above all "HUMAN".


vinaya said...

You are right. The world is sadly filled with such examples. I wonder what such an experience does to their faith in God?

Anonymous said...

U are right is the most intelligent living being on earth, and also capable of causing the most devastation. I wish we could identify some gene which causes this inhuman behavior...then we could hope for eliminating it one day...if humans havent eliminated all life on earth by then.

Anonymous said...

That was me :)

vinaya said...

Call me a romantic, but man with the capability of destruction but the sense to refrain would be my ideal.

Anonymous said...

Then my friend you have a lot of people to choose from :). I must tell you that is not a right criterion, its too general.

vinaya said...

Arre, that was in response to what Sheetal said. Somehow man (i mean a human being) genetically modified to behave seems less appealing than man who has sense.
And to answer harsh, this is one of the filters, not the only one :)

Anonymous said...

On the up side we mere ordinary mortals have the capability to scale never before heights.

vinaya said...

And that makes it all the more puzzling. How can we be so brilliant and so blind?

Anonymous said...

of course vin. if all men had sense, the world wouldnt have seen such destruction

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