Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A year

or thereabouts, since i introduced the dude on this blog (right, that is how she defines the event, not that she got married or moved cities or changed homes or got into a new family). I figured doing something on what kind of a year it has been is a good to break the silence.
(oh, and after this, stay tuned for breaking news!)
Its been... ordinary. Dont get me wrong, ordinary is good. Especially for two people who spent 5 years in different cities convincing the world and very often each other, that the sky would not fall if this happened - ordinary (conditions, of course, very much apply) is good. The sky has not fallen, world wars have not been waged and almost everyone involved has adapted and moved on remarkably well. Makes me wonder if sometimes we feed our fears more that we should.
On the other hand (there is always the other hand, isnt there), ordinary also means we havent done any life altering things we dreamed we would, if only we could get past the waiting. Mainly because we havent figured out what the hell that thing is. Also, life can keep you occupied very easily, so unless you explicitly set out to do things (with a vengeance, almost), they will not get done.

Except this. I am, right now, in a hotel in Zurich, typing out this post.

Edited to add: I realized i havent actually written anything about the day itself. Which was not the point, but could have found a mention! It was a good one. Last year this time we were the talk of the town, but this year not one friend remembered. Which is not at all surprising. As genuinely excited as i am about my friends getting married, i rarely remember their anniversaries. Relatives remembered though, almost all of them! I had left my phone alone for half an hour in the morning and when i got back to it there were 7 missed calls. That never happens to me, not even on my birthday! Relatives i tell you, rock hard when required.

The dude took me to a Reliance Digital store and asked me to pick the gaming console i wanted. My eyes grew wide and I grinned like mad and then ran away from the shop terrified. He almost bought me an xbox! Imagine! (Apparently, i can be hard to get, but damn easy to please). In return, I almost bought him an ipad. And we lived happily ever after.


Unknown said...

nice nice...Zurich! work or pleasure? :)

and the breaking news fassstt! (Don't disappoint by saying that being in Zurich is the news!)

vinaya said...

Of course it is! There cannot be news more breaking than that, unless i am having a baby (which i am not) or maybe win the nobel prize (which also i am not).

Unknown said...

*sigh* make do with ordinary news (weeps like almost like a baby) and now.. what r u gonna get me frm there? :-O

Mohsin said...

Zurich.. Fundoo.. Einstein studied at the ETH.. If you are still there, don't miss it..

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