Saturday, August 21, 2010

24, one season later

When write my own TV series no, i promise not to

1. Make it 45 minutes long. Its an entry barrier for people starting late and wanting to catch up. I also double promise not to take Anil Kapoor in it.

2. Have dialogs like this:

Hero: Do blah.
Any Other Character: I cant, because of these perfectly legitimate reasons.
Hero: DO BLAH.
The Same Other Character: Fine.

3. Kill people off randomly. Hell, i'll probably not kill people at all. There can be so much drama in life, why bring death into it at all?

4. Make the hero dig a deeper and deeper hole for himself and then when i get bored, pop him out clean through the other end of Earth.

5. Make the audience feel manipulated.

Which is probably why no one will watch my series. Which is a good thing, i sometimes think, when i imagine the humongous number of man hours spent watching stuff on Television. I'm going to try and stay off Season 2, but September end is so farfaraway, i dont know how i'll survive.


Unknown said...!
yea..anil kapoor..totally not needed there...!
n lets hope u discover some new undiscovered series ;)

vinaya said...

I'm a little biased where Anil Kapoor is concerned. I dont think he is needed anywhere :P


Unknown said...

ooo..okay..i'll take some episodes..lemme try...
how much do i get? 50$ per episode? :P

vinaya said...

Technically, i'm supposed to give you your money "back", so you get all of whatever i get from you, plus (to show my confidence in the series) 10 rupees :P

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