Monday, May 05, 2008


Dad is back early from his walk He rushes straight in, slightly breathless, and asks - Aa gaya? No, i shake my head. Mom pretends indifference, but every now and then peeks out of the kitchen to check. Brother refuses to come home at all, which is just as well. Who wants to watch a fish out of water? They all look to me, with a glance part hopeful, part accusing, . What use is her education, they ask themselves, if she cant even get the Internet to work?

O mighty powers at BSNL, kindly snap your fingers and get the Net working. This is not just about me justifying the space i occupy on this planet, it is about our connection to the rest of the world, and maybe, even to each other.

P.S. If you know the preferred DNS of you ISP by heart, it is probably time you changed your ISP.

1 comment:

vinaya said...

You will not believe the height of shamelessness they have sunk to! The BSNL guy i talked to yesterday made me change the DNS addresses. And guess what, they ARE OpenDNS addresses!!

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