Thursday, May 22, 2008

World wide web?

Sometimes, people you meet out of sheer chance (or as Wodehouse would say, concatenation of circumstances) come back later to save you life. Same with some seemingly insignificant thing you overhear. Almost makes you believe someone up there is connecting the dots!*
It is beautiful, yeah. But for me this glass is half empty. Something like this always leaves me wondering about the ones that go unconnected and the big pattern i am missing out on as a result.

*No, i'm not trying to say everything happens for a reason. Yuck, no.


Oink said...

maybe the pattern that might have been, actually consisted of a pot of broth boiling merrily away, with you in it, ready to be eaten by a bunch of starving hannibals, with the remains being fed to the hungry hounds howling away in the night.

Sort of makes one feel better to be part of the smaller picture.

vinaya said...

Wow. And here i thought i was being a pessimist!

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