Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In case anyone is wondering what brought about this sudden spate in posts.
Flashback to what i started to write a few weeks ago

Its not that i dont have things to write about. I have about 300 posts in various stages, some swimming in my head, some on paper, some as saved drafts. (okay, 7 or 8 of them, if you want me to be precise). But this immense cloud of laziness seems to have enveloped my world and all it allows me to do is work, eat and sleep. Time seems to pass without too much effort on my part. Its only that stupid voice in my head that wont shutup and still makes up lists of things i should be doing. No, scratch that, even the voice in my head isnt the list making kind. It just randomly throws at me things that i could/should/must/ABSOLUTELY MUST be doing, none of which i catch, all of which fall on the floor, making a big mess, in the middle of which, i calmly exist and continue to do nothing.

I need to bootstrap myself out of this state. And so, with you as witness, O mighty Internet, i solemnly swear to

And i left it at that. Because, life in the past months has tried its best to teach me that there is a time and place for everything, even for the truth. So i decided to postpone the swearing until i was reasonably sure i was out of the slump. And whatdoyouknow, even stuff that you scribble on Notepad and leave lying around in some forgotten corner of you PC, can do magic.


Sumit Sorde said...

"life in the past months has tried its best to teach me that there is a time and place for everything, even for the truth" U have attained Nirvana! :)

vinaya said...

You already there??
I said life has tried to tach men, i didnt say i have learnt :(

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