Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy new year

Tu dhoop hai, jham se bikhar
Tu hai nadi, o bekhabar
Beh chal kahin, ud chal kahin
Dil khush jahan, teri to manzil hain wahin

They speak to me, these lines. Especially the last one. It makes it sound so simple. Sigh. If only i could find the damn place, dilkhushjahan.

Another year is almost here. Starting from some arbit point, the earth is about to complete one revolution around the sun. Celebrate.


Oink said...

this confirms that you are a martian.

vinaya said...

huh? what? why??
Waise, thats a cool idea!! From now on, i shall celebrate the Martial New Year, soon as i can pick a suitable arbit point that i shall call the beginning of Mars's orbit. You are the first one invited to the party. You are welcome.

Oink said...


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