Friday, December 21, 2007

Another circle of life


Is it Diwali time? And is that the patter of little feet moving to the sound of tiklis bursting from the plastic gun? And is that the part excited part afraid squeal of the gun wielder as the tikli flashes into ashes?


Its an ordinary everyday evening. And those are the parents old feet chasing mosquitoes with a plastic bat. And that is the triumphant scream of the bat wielder as a mosquito hits the bat and flashes into ashes.

It is their second childhood after all.

(In case you haven't come across the latest in pest control, i present to you MachchBuster 2000. A tennis bat shaped bat, it has a light plastic body with a deadly electrified wire mesh. Prominent at the centre of the mesh is a lightning shaped shape, serving to remind everyone of the lightning scar bearer's victory over the Dark Lord. And mosquito unlucky enough to come in contact with the mesh when the bat wielder happens to be pressing the button that electrifies it is not only dead, but cremated with full honour.)

And we? We are the adults now. Too occupied with with life to join the fun. Yet keeping an eye on them, in case they get carried away.

Ha! Whom am i kidding? Wannabe adults, thats who we are. We talk the talk, sure, but are yet to walk it.


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I always feel it makes more sound to give us satisfaction that we will be mosquito free after that....
In reality it seem to be killing just 20 to 30% of mosquito's but nice way to mentally convince other people about there safety :)

vinaya said...

Which is why my people must have bought 3 of them :D

Anonymous said...

You should also have 3 people along with 3 bats :)

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