Sunday, June 17, 2007

TV through the ages

From the days when we ran over to the neighbours to watch news coverage on Indira Gandhi's assassination

To the days when we drove over to ex-tenants to watch Ramayana because the light had literally gone out of our lives

To the lusting over the weekend movie shown on DD but being kicked out to play

To the days when we picked up a whole language just by watching serials made in it

To the invasion of cable TV and English movies and sitcoms

To the days when aimless channel surfing became an acknowledged hobby

To the days when life became too full of cares to stand and stare

To the days when the TV was in a room far far away and the competitors for the remote were no longer family

To the enlightenment that the PC was as good if not better

To now, when TV has been reduced to the thing I proudly say I haven't touched in 4 years

While I sometimes realize with a guilt that is more wished for than real, how hopelessly outdated that makes me on current affairs, the only thing I really miss are the ads. I hear they make them good there days.


Oink said...

i think u mite have mistyped the second last word :P
this is the only thing that is wrong with the post :D
TV sox

vinaya said...

This from a TV star?? We saw you today morning, looking not very happy!

Unknown said...

You made me feel sad :(

vinaya said...

Because...? TV still is a part of your life, isnt it??

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