Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy Convorsary!

The past. Sometimes you life now is so different from your life then that it all seems to have happened to someone else. As the memories flash by, you can look upon them as dispassionately as if you were watching a movie. Been watching one such movie all day today.

It a big day in the heroine's life. No, more like a ceremonious day. The day the last two years of her life become official. More than anything, she is excited by the black gown and the hat. A lot of formality and a lot of silence later, she has her degree in hand! Like in the movies, she throws her degree up when its all over, only to get her first and only dressing down by a professor for disrespectful behaviour! Smiles, photographs, late lunch at a dosa place called for some mysterious reason Ambi Baba (another first and only). Aimless roaming. Bullying. More roaming.

Seems like one of those art movies, doesn't it, where they show a fly doing pretty much nothing for a really long time? (No, i don't claim to be writing an art movie script, if they have such a thing.) As bland and faraway as it all seems, there are some moments in there that can never be contained in my past.

Added: Professor for disrespectful behaviour. Hehe!


vinaya said...

1. You were shamelessly un-disappointed about it! I would have cried a river. One of the bigger ones.
2. Really? I was more of a Kerala cafe person.
3. You missed it! Especially the part where i was trying to figure out whether PG was scolding me or just making conversation :D

Sumit Sorde said...

Damn..why does my memory suggest we went to kerela cafe and not ambi baba! May be, its jumbled up coz of the number of treats i had in those last 2 months! :)

vinaya said...

It was Ambi baba, i tell you! It was the first time i went there, as as much not fun as it was, i will not your memory erase a historic occasion from my life!
Sigh. Yeah. Those we the days of ice cream and treats.

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