Tuesday, November 01, 2005

If it wasn't for the policeman, every one of us would be a thief!

No. No one great said it. Just me. This is the conclusion I have come to after watching myself for the past couple of weeks. Me, not long ago considered to have machine like sincerity, having to fight with myself for five minutes of work. Just because there is no one to answer to. I never realized I had to be driven!

I look around and see I am not alone. And I wonder, if everyone wants to be a thief, why do we have policemen at all? Why don't we have a "all you steal is yours" kind of society? A friend told me that I leave a lot of unanswered questions on my blog. I agree. Only, she thought I was too lazy to think about the answers while I maintain that I am too dumb. This one too is beyond me. The only explanation I can think of is that some super intelligent fore-father of mine figured out that we'd get wherever we are going sooner if we didn't have to keep checking our backs.

1 comment:

vinaya said...

I thought i'd reply to your comment after thinking about your answer. Turns out my friend was not that wrong - i am too lazy to think :(
Until then. I remember having an excerpt from Lord of the files as a lesson in school. And my teacher gave us the book to read. And i didnt read it because i didn't like sad stories. I think i have grown up a little now :)

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