Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It was not as grand as last time, although it was more fun for me because I was a part of it. The recently concluded IIT Kanpur sports meet - diluted in the hope of avoiding certain unpleasantness also ended up avoiding the festive atmosphere. Half the fun in such events is seeing your hostel and roads filled with strangers from another world - they somehow make it a different place. Less teams, less competition and hence less satisfaction, especially in the games I played. I watched the guys fight it out in the same games and man! The difference in level!! I was not sure it was the same game! A rather uncharitable idea occurred - with certain exceptions, beating the best girl player in a sport can be an entry level criteria for the boys team.
A couple of observations when I was watching the guys play. These observations have been made as a complete outsider, for, the level at which the games were played, I am an outsider.

Anger. Frustration. Despair. Elation, no not exactly, more like triumph. The feeling you get after you crush your opponent. Revenge. All so much a part of the game. And very likely to affect it. I wonder if a calm, controlled player would be more effective than one who gets carried away. Sometimes, you need the anger to propel you.

Got to see how extremely important fitness is. You might be the best player there can be, but it can all so easily come to nothing if you can't last for the entire game. It is very painful to watch people huffing and puffing, or playing with a sprained shoulder or ankle. They can't possibly enjoy it. And if you can't enjoy the game, it reduce to senseless physical torture. Games look so beautiful when the effort is not visible.

This from a person who reaches the end of her stamina after 5 minutes of knocking and sprains her shoulder every two days. Now that I've seen how it looks, I'll do all the running the coach asks me to.


Anonymous said...

Your post reminds me of a Quidditch match !!! I think in your brain you are living out Harry Potter arent you? Arent you now ? ( finger wagging)

vinaya said...

I hope to someday win a medal that i am not ashamed of! (Rohan, remember TT doubles?)

Kaushik: Aah, gully cricket! And the neighbours broken windows. Bet they wished the kids played with a little less passion.
Oh my god! Just realized that in a few years we get to be the neighbours with broken windows :((

Rohan: I wasn't. Really. But now i will :D Just realized that except for the snitch, Quidditch can be thought of as basky on a broom!

Anonymous said...

I totally remember the tt and the baddy games , especially the khunnas match remember? Those were THE DAYS

Anonymous said...

vin you have to stop writing about iitk and baddy, else very soon u will find me applying to iitk for all the wrong reasons. yes rohan i remember the khunnas match;).

vinaya said...

Harsh, i'll kill you if you come here after i leave!
Rohan: Of course i remember the khunnas match and how it bought out the best in Poo and you! And the match in which someone's legs made a straight line on the floor :D

Pooja said...

Ok ok enough, surprising how people remember "someone" for all the wrong reasons *insert angry expression here*

(We did have a laughing fit later!!)

Yeah, those were the days..

vinaya said...

How can we forget? I'm sure the pictorial representation is still lying in someone's mailbox!

Those of course, were the days but saying it makes us all sound so old :)

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