Thursday, July 14, 2005

Got this wonderful feeling of achievement after ages. Weird, its happened only 3 or 4 times since I've been here. I always thought IIT life would be filled with challenges, chances to improve yourself. They are there, I guess, but they're not thrust upon you. Its up to you to grab one. And for that, you have to be super-interested, super-motivated, super-proactive or super-desperate! And I of course don't fall into any of these categories. If you put an obstacle in my way, I'm most likely to run away. Maybe walk around it. Or simply stop walking. Only when you have me surround from all sides and sit on me will I even try to think of overcoming it. Getting me to rise to a challenge is a challenge in itself!
(I know I shouldn't feel proud about it, but today, nothing can get me down!)


Anonymous said...

Come on, what was it? :-)

Anonymous said...

when u write something like that, you get the reader all crazy to know what happened, so you better write that too, or i will hop on to the next train to kanpur to know ;).

vinaya said...

Here goes the mystery. (Although i'm very very tempted to maintain silence, just to see Harsh in Kanpur ;)
After weeks of effort, we managed to cross- compile a linux kernel for a special network processor.

Kind of takes the wind out of the post, doesnt it?

Anonymous said...

Aaj tune mujhe meri garibi ka ehsas dila diya. kal isi jagah pe tu bhi thi aur main bhi.

aaj tere paas cross compiler hai, linux kernel, special network processor hai!!! kya hai mere paas ;)? Harsh ;)

vinaya said...

Harsh: :-D Yeah, the good old TTI days *sigh*... where everyone had 1/13th of a server :)
Rohan: A geek has got to be able to celebrate his/her geekiness more than 4 times a year! Come to NY? And that too to beat you up? Stuff of my dreams, man, stuff of my dreams :P

Anonymous said...

I was searching in google for "i love books" and unambitious. In short to find someone like myself. Nice to see your blog and to know there are people who are a little bit like me :-). I found our taste in books pretty much similiar, though I am a little more tolerant towards sydeny sheldon. And yes I too belong to the category that walks around obstacles. But your freedom to do that pretty much end once your studies are over. Ask me :-) who has been running away and already in my third job. anyway shall visit again :-)

vinaya said...

Innovative use of google, i must say!
You are right. Its different when you are working. Someone is always sitting on you to get things done. Its good in a way, at least you dont have this empty feeling that you are doing nothing with your life!
(thats 3 months of utter boredom speaking)

Anonymous said...

Wow Vinaya thats great job. Te last time i heard of someone who has worked on Linux kernel was our own Mr PMAN :-) So ur in the same league now - Naresh

vinaya said...

Of all the people!!! That certainly got me down :((
As far as i recall, it was a unix kernel printout that put many a companies out of business and many a "developers" to sleep :D

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