Monday, August 25, 2003

Rode the bike !!!! Not as bad as i thought i would be. Once even managed to kick start the bike while sitting on it. But as of now, the fact that i can ride a bike gives me more pleasure than riding the bike itself.

The road that we took has a paraplegic home on one side. ( says paraplegia means "Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, usually caused by damage to the spinal cord"). This one is for the army people. Any time you pass from the road, you can see a few of them hanging around on their wheel chairs. Middle aged men most of them, and quite fit otherwise. When i was in college, my bus used to go by that route. And, notwithstanding the fact that it was 7 in the morning, a group of them would be sitting near the gate, waiting to wave out to us. And, the people in the bus would wave back. A small, few seconds routine, but it touched the lives of all involved. One guy in particular, always caught my attention. An oldish sort of fellow, his face was so full of life and happiness, one could not believe he has nothing much to look forward to in life. It was the simple joy of being alive.

While i was struggling with the bike, cursing everything from my short legs to the bike manufacturers, these men were quietly watching me and smiling. What they would not have given to be in my position - a whole life ahead of me, and everything i need to live it to the fullest. We owe it to them to do something worthwhile. (Unfortunately, all these are just momentary inspirations :( )

And, to what end did they make such a sacrifice? Who has the right to ask it of them? And whose duty is it to see that the rest of their life is not a waste?

Again, i come back to the system.

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