Monday, October 31, 2011


Metallica was here yesterday. So was bhai on his bullet. Guess which of them i got to see. I did briefly consider going to see the band, but when i couldnt name any song other than Nothing Else Matters, i decided to leave them alone and stay at home. One concert, one live concert is all i'm asking of you, stupid Bengalooru! That, and a job, of course.
On the same day, i graduated to playing songs on the keyboard. Sun oye Metallica, you might have a lead, but its not going to take me very long to catch up. Twinkle, twinkle little star, i will rock you like you have never been rocked before! As soon as i figure out which finger goes where.

The job hunt is not going places. I alternate between telling myself i will be patient (its only been a week) and applying for a delivery job at the nearby Dominoes. Which i might not get, given my knowledge, or lack thereof, of the streets of this city. Its all 5th Cross and 6th Main and oh, how i miss names like Vainu Bappu marg and the 2 Senapati Bapat roads i crossed to get to work.

The kindle is back in action! A huge collection of ebooks has been discovered by the dude, and if only i didnt turn into such a complete wreck at the very idea of giving interviews, i would right now be deep into one of them. Or many of them, i cant pick! I want all! But, no. As soon as i am done with this post, i shall go back to K&R. Which is why you might find me rambling a bit more than prudent.

I dont remember when i last read K&R, but i have underlined and drawn stars and written things in pencil all over it. Most of those things i now know, so it makes me feel like the years have added up to something, after all. I may not have bought about world peace, or improved lives or even figured out what to do with mine, but i do know why *++argv works. And you cant take that away from me.

I am going to, today, for the first time ever, lads and lasses, get a car out on my own and go pick up the dude! Wish me luck, wish the car luck, wish Bangalore luck, but most of all, wish him luck!


Mohsin said...

best of luck to whomever it may concern :p
Dnt know when I'll get back to my K&R. [this is my third copy, and I never progressed beyond chapter 4 in any of them :p]

vinaya said...

All unharmed, expect for the dude, who silently suffered a couple of heart attacks at least.
As for K&R, i truly cant remember a stage when i was sincere enough to read books and underline them and make notes!

Unknown said...

how is the car then? :P
n u still get to ride the driver's seat? :P

vinaya said...

Ahem, as of yesterday it has a dent and the fender (i think) is hanging onto the car for dear life. (I kinda rubbed it against a tree).
As for your second question, will know today!

sinGularity said...

hope your bro's baggage was fine midst all that mismanagement...and seriously..what's wrong with b'lore's weather?? rained every half an hour for 5 minutes..if i had known earlier i'd have brought a large funnel and saved myself Rs. 50 "packaged drinking water" bottles..

vinaya said...

:D He went without baggage, in fact he almost went without the ticket!

Yeah, the weather has been crazy for a few days now. At home we have this rain water harvesting thing, and every time we give up and buy water, it rains like mad!

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