Saturday, February 05, 2011

We interrupt our regular broadcast of silence to bring to you a realization

(Seriously. Its been so long my browser has forgotten the address of my blog.)

Remember the story of the rakshas who had his jaan in a tota? And how to get to the parrot you had to cross seven seas and climb seven mountains and break seven cages and stuff? Well, i realized today that if you put your jaan in a tota, you have no choice but to imprison the poor thing! You cant tell it to fly free and then worry yourself sick every time you hear, or dont hear, the flapping of wings. So think before you do any such thing. Its not fair on you, its not fair on the tota!


fiddlesticks said...

Oh. But why is it unfair to you?

vinaya said...

Because, arent you as much a prisoner of the totas actions? Granted it is a prison of your own making, but its still a prison!

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