Sunday, September 05, 2010

Yes, another library

Popped up, this time literally a stones throw away from my place. Its so close, and so inside my galli, i dont even have to dress up to go there! This one is in a little bamboo shed in the garden of a bungalow. Its run by the old-ish lady who presumably lives in the bungalow. We have a history, that bungalow and me. The previous owner had a dog with a split personality. It was the fiercest dog we ever knew, but she laughed at us for keeping our distance, insisting all the time that it was a fraaandly dog. Its been years since they moved out, but i still keep my distance. Which is probably why i didnt notice the little library before.

A bamboo shed in the garden, with plants all around, bean bags and a hammock outside, a bright cheerful light inside, books, books, books. Many of them look owned. Read. Loved. Popular fiction, Indian writing, Science, Science fiction, kids books - all the usual suspects. However, the collection is not usual. I see bestsellers sprinkled here and there. But I also see books that would not have made it to any list, that must have been handpicked by someone who knew what he/she was getting.

A friendly old lady who knows what she has. A man who pauses from talking about books to play the flute. A kid sprawled on a bean bag, nose deep inside an Astrix, oblivious to an Aunty who pretends to get offended because he has forgotten his manners and not greeted her.

I want to talk to her, tell her she has a great collection, ask her if all these books are hers, if she has read them all. I want to tell the man with the flute who said he'd just bought The Graveyard Book that he is going to love it. But i dont. One, because i'm me. And two, i'm not going to join her library. I've already joined a "big bad corporate one". At some level, i think i've cheated her. I slink out when she is busy trying to understand what the man with the flute is saying about bar-code readers.

I walk the ten steps to my home thinking i've finally found one snapshot of old age that doesnt scare the hell out of me. I'd like to be that old lady. I'd like to lie on the hammock while people come and lose themselves in my collection. Only, i dont know many people who can lose themselves in two shelves of chiefly science fiction.

New retirement plan - I need to diversify my assets!


Pooja said...

Bamboos and plants all around and bean bags and books, what more could one wish for :)

Unknown said...

no..fiction is good..i'll come round to get drowned in ur collection :)
keep the bean bags and bamboos too..soft music .. instrumental will also be good :)

vinaya said...

Pooja: Gotcha :)
I know! I'm even ready to face old age for it!

Zarin: Great! Looks like i have my first client already :D

Mohsin said...

I'll donate my collection to ur lib.. U don't need to worry about diversity then.. [but u have to name a building after me or something :p]

vinaya said...

Done! My library shall have the following on its board:

Mamo Library

Anonymous said...

Bamboo shed and hammock in pune along with lots of books.... yummmy. Wont wait to get old or retired for that.

vinaya said...

I know... it almost seems like a portal that takes to you another day and age!

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