Saturday, February 06, 2010


At an age at which, if i'd been even remotely following the great Indian timetable, i should have presented two kids, one car and one husband, i, maybe not proudly but definitely unashamedly present - my new two wheeler!

Its finally home! Not without hiccups, where would be the fun in that. How does it change my life? Let me count the ways.

1. No more kicking the bike every morning. Apart from the physical damage to my back etc, it just felt wrong. I felt like one of those heartless people who overload an old donkey and beat it with a stick to make it go.

2. No more being forced to wear sports shoes to work because kicking in ahem, delicate sandals is not good. Not for the sandals, not for the foot.

3. No more getting into ridiculous situations.
I'm on my way to a friends birthday breakfast. I park near the restaurant (ironically named Good Luck) and reach for the key to shut off the vehicle, only to discover - no key! The damn thing has fallen off a running vehicle. After giggling for a while at the ridiculousness of not being able to shut off you vehicle, i decide to do something about it. I vaguely remember hearing a clang somewhere on the way and retrace my route. The one-ways along the way do their bit to help. No keys. No pink skateboard key chain bhai bought from Germany either. At this point, my brain has decided that even if for some reason the vehicle does stop, i will not be able to start it again without a key. You could be stranded in the middle of the road, it says. I dont reason why. I focus on keeping the engine running like my life depends on it. Take the vehicle to this faraway key maker i know because of one of my previous stupidities. He fixes me a new key in less than two minutes and tells me to keep it in my pocket at all times. Even while riding. Ride back to Good Luck, where folks are still patiently waiting and more importantly, so is the cake
That morning, a hole in the ozone layer is named after me.

4. No more polluting the city. Once the ozone layer forgives the above incident, maybe it and i can work on being friends again.

5. Out of a sense of shame that i didnt know i have, i'll be wearing a helmet from now on. Only problem is the helmet i have (and have had for ages) ENTIRELY COINCIDENTALLY just happens to be the same colour as my bike. Having laughed at colour coordinated people all my life, i'm not sure i have it me to do this.

P.S. In case your keys ever fall off, remember:
Bikes CAN be started without keys.The kick will work. So will the button start.
Pressing the choke shuts off the vehicle. If you ask me for the science behind that, i will ignore you.


Jana said...

Hillarious !!!!

Thujhe writer banna chahiye tha, kahan monitor ko dekte hue khudko jala rahi hai :)

Anonymous said...

Howlarious! :D
Specially the part where you dropped the keys while riding and could not turn off....stomach grabbing stuff!

Anonymous said...

[url=][b]wie ist das wetter[/b][/url]

[url=][b]zdf wetter[b][/url]

Pooja said...

I second the "please write a book"

vinaya said...

Jana: Thanks :)
You become a cricket player and i'll become a writer. Deal?

anon1: Thanks! Yeah, it was pretty funny. Esp considering that i have to kick it to within an inch of my life every morning before it starts!

anon2: Ooh look, my first spam comment!

Pooja: People living in glass homes :D

Ram said...

Good one,

I think in indian timetable, presenting the husband should come first and then the children.

vinaya said...

Lonesailor: Thanks :)
Like i told you, i was taking them out of a stack :D

Jana said...

I'm a cricket player :) I play in professional leagues in Seattle and Canada (starting this year). Contract signed :) Deal done. Now you give your first book ? :D

vinaya said...

Damn overachieving children!

vinaya said...

Ooh, you really are alive!
Thanks! Its a Honda Aviator, maroon in colour. Trust me, thats not as bad as it sounds.

As for Jana, i know! There is a point beyond which people's achievements stop being inspirational and start appearing impossible. He is fast approaching that point!

Jana said...

@Kaushik, thanks man. bas apne dil ko follow kar raha hoon, dimaag ki bilkul nahi sunta :)

@vinaya, arey maa thum bhi na ... you are the inspiration :)

Ravi Kumar Mandala said...

It's really hilarious. You narration is like watching a movie to me.

Yeah... right. I am alive too ;-)

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