Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I wonder

(This is what a gtalk status message grew into.
Gtalk status - my twitter cum FB cum "shouting from rooftops")

What is it with songs that make you want to dance?
Even though you cant
Not with a gun to your head
Not even when no one's watching

What is it with books that make you want to lose yourself in them?
Become a ghost
Live between the words
Trapped and yet free

What is it about characters that brings them to life?
Touch, see, feel what they feel
The imaginary becomes real
As the world fades to black

How is it some people never really go away?
A hi five is all it takes
Time, space
and distance turn fake


Sumit Sorde said...

Do you want me to tell you the answer? Ok..It's 42! :P

kaushik said...

Very nice...

I had written something very similar in my blog sometime ago regarding books :

"Part me, enjoying the perfect morning, a part, lost in the book, creating a parallel word, where I am every character in the book, where I am a ghost in every scene of the book..."

Really loved the last stanza !!!

vinaya said...

Sumit: :D
Of course. That is the ultimate answer, the answer for which questions were created!

Kaushik: Wow. Great minds, eh?
You manage to read in the morning? Somehow that has been made out to be a crime. Kind of along the lines of having to earn a bournville.

Ram said...

very well written...I just love the first 3 parts of the poem.

vinaya said...

Thanks. Glad to know i'm not the only crazy finding life in the non-living.

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