Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Think (therefore) I'm Back

I'm back. I think. At least for this post. That, i think it is safe to say, was the longest i went without a posting. No particular reason, just that stuff that would have seemed bloggable earlier didnt seem worth the effort. Not that they seem worth the effort now, but there is only so long you can keep a blog alive on life support, before it is declared dead. And i dont want it to die.

So, since i dont have one earth shattering to say, i thought i'd combine a few earth nudging things and hope the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

I've been on a major science fiction/fantasy trip, reading wise. Asimov of course, Arthur Clarke, Orson Scott Card (cant recommend Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead enough!), Frank Herbert, Samit Basu and of course Terry Pratchett. I think i've whined about how i've become too lazy to invest in a new author. Looks like i've found an escape route. I am reading new people, but without much risk of wasted effort. Because though the end of these books usually disappoint, the journey is well worth it.

And i've developed a new hobby. I usually snigger at people who call it a hobby, but looking at how much i enjoy going to the gym, i dont know what else to call it. For almost 2 months now, I've been voluntarily waking up for at 6.30 AM 6 days a week to go exercise. You can tell. cant you, that i'm somewhat ashamedly proud of it?

What else? Oh yeah, i've run out of music to listen to. Kaushik suggested i give the Beatles a shot and i am. If anyone is reading this and has anything to suggest, i'm all ears. But please, no screaming. In the song, i mean.

Thats it? All i have to show for over a month of my life are two paragraphs and a request? See, this is why i have to post more often. I may be writing about dogs in the parking lot, but at this stage i'll settle for quantity over nothing at all.

P.S. I've decided to try and cut down on the exclamations. I have been using way too many of them,. Terry doesnt seem to approve.

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