Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Not moving on

A few weeks ago, life took me back to my college. I was going back after 5 long years and was pretty sure no one would remember me. It wasnt as bad as i'd expected. My name didnt ring a bell but my face certainly did! As they were trying to place me in a batch, one of the teachers asked me who my BE project guide was. And i went blank. My recovery went something like this - - B.E project? Did I do a BE project? I would certainly have remembered if i'd done one. But it must have been part of the course or she wouldnt have asked. So we had a guide? How i can i not remember my guide? My M Tech thesis guide still haunts me sometimes, how could i have forgotten my B.E project guide? And more importantly, how could i have forgotten my B.E project?? Took 5 minutes and a lot of prodding from those present, but i got to the answer. Fortunately, my guide was not among those present. I was still quite embarrassed and by way of apology said something like - the stack's grown too deep. I have to pop out a lot of stuff to get to that information. (She taught us Data Structures. That much i remember) And she laughed and said - Dont worry, i understand. Our stacks run deeper than yours.

This fading out has already reached my M Tech memories now. A few nights ago, i couldnt remember the name of a professor and it kept me awake for a long long time. This other time i couldnt remember the name of the ONE multiplex in Kanpur. And i still cant remember the name of the ridiculously expensive restaurant on the second floor of that multiplex. Dabba and batti have gone back to their usual meanings. (Technical question, can a macbook be called a dabba? I've been trying to come up with a common name for all the computers in at home.)

I know its not a catastrophe. I know the old has to make way for the new. But until some exciting new comes along, i'd rather hold on to the old.


Oink said...

iv forgotten what my project is supposed to be this sem. havnt a clue abt the topic, n supposed to submit a report et al by next week.
thankfully i remember my project coord at least.

vinaya said...

Hehe! What would we do without the last minute!

Anonymous said...

notebooks are called "dibbis" these days :)

vinaya said...

hehe! If it were up to me, that is what i would have called a pack of cigarettes!
On second thoughts, why would i ever need to call a pack of cigarettes?

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