Monday, November 05, 2007

Blogging in my sleep

I do not talk in my sleep. It is one of those tiny, insignificant things about me that i wish was otherwise. I simply love to hear people talk in their sleep and only superstitions ingrained into near and dear ones stop me from holding full fledged conversations with sleep talkers. The whole thing is so amazing, they are right there in front of you and at the same time also in some alternate reality. My favourite part is telling the sleep talker what he/she talked about next morning and watching them being amazed at the idea of having been somewhere they have no recollection of being!
Since i cant have what i dont have, I am going to be very mature and celebrate what i do have. I cannot answer the phone when i am asleep. That, lads and ladies, is the nearest i get to being abnormal in my sleep. The following sequence of events which explain the phenomenon have been put together after careful post-postmortem of several such occurrences.
I am asleep.
The phone rings.
I hear it.
I open my eyes.
I squint at the display, trying to identify the caller.
My brain tells my hands to answer. But someone somewhere messes up and I end up pressing the wrong key. Aah, but not just any wrong key, (this is where you see the brilliance of my postmortem) i press the key that is supposed to shut off the alarm.
I wonder why the damn thing wont stop ringing.
I talk into a ringing phone.
I wonder why the idiot at the other end doesn't answer.
Somewhere in all this confusion, i go back to sleep.

(This post is what i have come up with after about 3 weeks of wondering what to write. I gotta get me a life. Seriously.)


Oink said...

the more i read ur posts, the more i dont wanna become an engineer

vinaya said...

Oye! I told you not to look upon me as a responsible adult, didnt i?

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