Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A prince. And then a pauper.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players

And the Director has lost it. All through rehearsal, he has groomed you for a certain part. You go on stage, you play it brilliantly, like you were born for it. Then suddenly, without warning, he thrusts you into another role. One you don't like, don't understand and were quite happy not playing.

The play is a big mess. The Queen, used to taking tough decisions and living with them, now has to live with someone else's decisions. The soldier, whose has not been responsible even for his own life, and has been quite content to be led, is suddenly responsible for the whole kingdom. The King is torn between the Queen and the Kingdom.

But, they are actors. They will manage. They might fumble for a while, forget lines, slip into their previous roles, but they will learn. Understand. Improvise. Some of them might someday get really good at their new role, like they were born for it. Some will always feel out of place. But all of them, for a long time to come, will curse the Director and wonder why He couldn't stick to the script.


Niranjan Srinivas said...

just out of curiosity, are you getting married ? (the post gave me the impression.)

Pooja said...

The actors fight back in their own ways, survive, that they have to.

vinaya said...

Niranjan: No, no noooooo! Although, i can see why you thought that :)
But, marriage is not exactly a surprise, is it, at least in our country.

Pooja: I wrote this and immediately though, Pooja will know what i am talking about :)

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