Friday, April 13, 2007

Life with directions?

Have you ever wished while wandering along life's roads, that some of them came with a danger sign? Skull and crossbones that say - Keep Away!

I don't. One, because i don't believe in danger. No, its not quite that. Danger as a distant, faraway possibility does not scare me. Like, if I ever come face to face with a tiger, I will
a. be terrified
b. faint
c. do something incredibly stupid like throw a stone at it and yell shoo
d. all of the above

But, my fear of tigers will not scare me from entering the jungle. I guess sometimes it pays to be unimaginative!

Secondly, no matter how hard a road is, no matter how much it hurts you, no matter how desperately you want it to end, you never come out the same person. Every road teaches you something about yourself, shows you the kind of person you are, the kind of person you want to be. And that to me is worth a few bruises any day.


Anonymous said...

You write pretty well. You thoughts have a depth and your words are able to reflect exactly what you think.

And about this post, I would say its very true and beautifully written..

vinaya said...

Wow! Thank you, kind Sir/Madam. See? That is the problem with anon comments. I cant even thank you properly.
Your comment comes at a time when i had come to believe that i am the only one who reads what i write. So, a special thanks!

fiddlesticks said...

nah i read your blog too! love your writing style :) cheers!
- yogesh's friend

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