Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Blogging from home for the first time. Not a bad day overall. Managed to put in a decent amout of studies without getting that i-dont-want-to-ever-look-at-a-book-again feeling. This was adied by a short visit to the office, just cant stay off that place.
For the first time in sooo many years of my life, i was home in the pre-diwali period.This is mainly because i went to a school which on a generous year, gave 3 days off for diwali and the tamil deepawali invaliably ended before those 3 days.Since Mummy too went to the same school(as a teacher obviously), she had to take leave to make sweets.Everyday, bhai and i would rush home to find out what sweet she'd made that day. And some day, she'd say, Today I cleaned the kitchen. And we'd think, what a waste!! No matter how clean the kitchen looked, it couldn't justify all that precioius time which could have been spent making sweets, sweets and more sweets. Today, for the first time,I saw all that went to the cleaning. Whew!! Just seeing was overwhelming !!

I hope there someone in this big wide world has carried out a study that concludes that studying increases the appetite. I really don’t see any other way to explain the indecent quantity of food that has been vanishing down my food pipe lately. People who have seen me eat may not be really surprised, but believe me, i've surprised myself !!! If this continues, it will not be long before i'm well on my way to becoming the female incarnation of Dudley Dursley :((

Tell-tale signs that i've been studying:
A set of books in every room of the house (including the kitchen at times)
Pages of doubts that i have a record of never having asked anyone (doesn't mean i find answers to them, i just dont ask)
Manifold increase in the amount of talking done with Bhai, with the central topic of discussion being how we will avenge all this studying once exams get over.
Old issues of Reader's Digest and Archies end their hibernation

Needed: Another study that concludes that study of compliers and Operating Systems induces severe ache in the lower back and what i think is called the ball-and-socket-joint.

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