Tuesday, September 02, 2003


Variety, they say, is the spice of life. Ever heard of a stomach upset because of too much of spice? Or rather, too much of a particular spice.
There are a variety of people in this world. And there are a variety of music bands to cater to their tastes. And certain variety of people like certain variety of bands. And certain variety of people
can't stand certain variety of bands. And if these two variety of people happen to live in the same house, argggggh

Bhai had built up quite a collection of songs on our new PC. There really was variety. Unfortunately, the hard disk developed bad sectors, and he could save only a few 'precious' songs. The whole weekend, he kept playing them again and again and again. And not one of them of the variety i can stand. Argggggh

My weekend was filled with people screaming
"This is the 21st century"
"It doesn't even matter"
"Somewhere i belong"
"Bhai pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee"

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