Monday, September 01, 2003

One fine day

You are trying to learn something new, and you keep trying and trying and trying, with no result at all. You don't know if you are capable of doing it. You don't even know if you are headed in the right direction. And then, one fine day, things suddenly click. For no special reason, you start doing things well. The ugly duckling suddenly becomes a swan.

This happened so many times with me. Happened when i was learning TT, when i was learning to ride the scooter, when i was trying to lose weight, and now, when i am trying to play baddie.

You might say its okay, because in the end it doesn't matter. But, i find it scary for two reasons.One is, that there is no motivation to keep trying. How do you know that you are not just an ugly duckling?
Another reason is, what guarantee that the way you got it all one fine day, you wont lose it all?

Logic-less things are really scary.

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