Sunday, May 23, 2010

Astronomy (heaven and hell are covered under that, arent they?)

Bhai wakes up six-ish everyday and rushes to the gym. I get to sleep in, most days till after he gets back.

Hmm. I hope the sun has caught up and now rises from the west.

Hmm. If the sun did rise from the west, it'd mean the earth would be rotating the other way? And if that were to happen, would we get to see the dark side of the moon? Or does the earth influence the rotation of the moon too. Damn you Arthur C Clarke for making Space a real thing and our Solar System the place i would most like to go on a holiday to. You know, rent an asteroid, ride a comet. Visit the Jovian moons, Europa especially. What a pretty name.

Hmm. What happens when you damn dead people? Do they get demoted to hell if they've accumulated a certain number of damns? Or are the account books closed once they reach the gates. If they are already in hell, are they fried in oil rich in all the bad fats?



vinaya said...

2. I was wondering if we'd see the dark side if the moon rotated in the same direction that it did today. But Wikipedia says (at least says to me) that the moon will probably change direction if the earth does.
3. I thought the asteroid will be my hotel and the comet will be my umm.. jet ski? Now i see it may not work that well.
4. Awww. And its irregular even! And has an invisible ring! I did not want the Solar System to get more interesting dammit.
5. Asimov made the Universe real. In our Solar System, Clarke rules!

vinaya said...

Awesome!! *goes off in search of things she can name*

Pooja said...

I loved this post.
Just like that.

vinaya said...

Also, good you know you are alive?

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