Tuesday, July 14, 2009


To really get this, you have to:

1. Know something about Chennai
2. Have heard of Carnatic music
3. Be familiar with the music scene down south
4. Have read the HitchHikers Guide to the galaxy
5. Be acquainted with Wolfram Alpha
6. Be familiar with Tamil movies
7. Have grown up among/around Tamil people
8. Be a computer science graduate (probably not necessary, but i am not aware of any other career paths that go through the Turing Test)

The pseudo Tamilian than i am, i'm sure there are a lot of references there that i have missed. But i absolutely love it that i "get" a joke that not too many people on this planet will get. It makes me feel special. (More special, actually, than i would feel if i had "made" the joke.) Like there is a secret club i belong to and its a private joke we share. Which is why i love xkcd so much. Though i'm surrounded for the most part of the day by people who "get" it, and probably get it better than i do, it still makes me feel like i belong.


Mohsin said...

Tick-tick 4-8..
Still not sure if I 'got' it though..

vinaya said...

Mohsin: While your knowledge of "south indian movies" is admirable, to get this, one specific movie scene is needs to be known. Let me see if i can find it anywhere. It involves two bananas.

Kaushik: I knew you'd get it. And i knew you'd get more than what i got. But didnt know that i'd like that you got it so much. I also didnt know that feeling was part of being a geek!

I saw the ombodhium in the comments somewhere and looked all over the post for it but couldnt find it. It IS awesome!!

TBBT, how did i forget that! But Fraiser too?

Anonymous said...

It's one thing for people to say that they enjoyed your joke. You know, you can just find 2 nrs elderly ladies for drishti-termination purposes and be done with it. But it's an altogether different thing when people discuss the joys of "getting" your jokes. I don't know if the regular anti-Drishti service (plate of red liquid moved in circulatory path in front of one's face) covers this. I need to check the fine print on this one. Perhaps I need to upgrade to the Anti-Drishi-plus service.

vinaya said...

Krishashok: Wow. I... (realizes she is trying to thank him for his liking her liking his joke. Gives up).

I am not enough of a pseudo tamilian to not know about the anti-drishti service! (However i have only seen it performed along with gowri kalyanam being sung by >> 2 nrs of ladies). Yes, upgrade might be in order.

Glad you made it here. Felt weird talking about you behind your back, especially since nice things were being said!

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