Thursday, December 25, 2008

Still on TV

<rant> It is starting to look like i've found a cause. I am apparently the person who raises her voice against Incorrect Portrayal of Indians on American Television. TBBT is the latest series to evoke my wrath. Dont get me wrong. I have nothing against them introducing Rajesh Koothrappali as a caricature Indian and making the usual jokes about over population and arranged marriages. (Was there a one on us being cheap?) I even laugh when they are funny. What gets to me is the little details that they mess up. If I were to assign marks to the following based on their likelihood,

  1. Rajesh Koothrappali is from Delhi
  2. Rajesh Koothrappali calls his parents mummy and papa in what i understand to be a North Indian accent
  3. Rajesh Koothrappali's parents live in Delhi but pronounce Punjab an PUnjab
  4. Rajesh Koothrappali's parents are trying to arrange his marriage with a nice PUnjabi girl called Lalita Gupta
1 would get an 8, 2 would be a 5, 3 would be, well, 0.5 and can things have negative likelihood?

I realize its a comedy show. I realize these small inconsistencies do not take away anything from the enjoyment for most people watching the show. I do not believe everyone in the world should know their India basics (I was surprised at all the indignation flowing when years ago George Bush, while running for President, didnt know who the Indian PM was. Why should he?). But for people who care enough to hire people especially to get the physics right, who plan to have an actual problem being solved on Sheldon's board through the season, why overlook such tiny things that any Indian over the age of 10 will laugh at? </rant>

With that out of my system, i shall now get to drooling over the series. Great fun! And very very precious, now that i'm out of fresh stock for almost everything i watch. One joke that redeemed the arranged marriage episode for me:

(Raj is over at Leonard and Sheldon's place, voice chatting with his parents)

: If you decide on a spring wedding, we can avoid the monsoon season
Raj: Spring Wedding!
Mummy: Its up to you, we dont want to meddle
Raj: If you dont want to meddle then why are you medding?
Sheldon: If i may, you parents probably dont consider this meddling. While arranged marriages are no longer the norm, Indian parents continue to have a greater than average involvement in their children's love lives.
Raj: (irritated) Why are you telling me about my own culture?
Sheldon: Because... you seem confused.



Mohsin said...

one more..
Sheldon and Raj are watching TV and a heated discussion ensues on Madhuri Dixit vs Aishwarya Rai..
interestingly, the song being played on TV is from 'Kaho na pyar hai'..

vinaya said...

Madhuri Vs Aish?? Grrr... what idiot do they have there whose knowledge has such gaping holes?
Here's an idea! They should hire me to sanitize all the Indian stuff that goes on air. Yes, that'd be my profession.

Arnab De said...

What if Rajesh's father moved to Delhi at a very young age and married a Punjabi girl and Rajesh spent his entire chindhood in Delhi?

vinaya said...

Nice! I'll grant you 1, 2 and 4. But 3 is just not happening.

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