Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to cvw a nbd in ten days

(I write the story with a she. Feel free to substitute with a pronoun of your choice.)

Day 10: You notice her for the first time. A colleague is working with her. You know you are not supposed to stare, but you cant help it. She is so perfect, you don't even want to find out if she is for real.

Night 10: She is all over your dreams.

Day 9: You cant believe how utterly blind you've been all these years. A different kind of blindness takes over now, the right kind. Like Arjuna, you have eyes for nothing else.

Day 8: You work up the courage to go ask your colleague for an introduction. He knows the symptoms only too well. With a wicked grin, he says yes.

Day 7: You notice the competition. Suddenly, everyone is smitten. Doubts creep in. Do I have a chance in hell?

Day 6: You are ruined. Nothing will ever be as good. The half an hour you spend with her convinces you of that.

Day 5: You cook up dozens of elaborate plots all with same end - you spending 5 minutes with her. Some of them actually work.

Day 4: Everyone knows. You couldn't care less. Up in seventh heaven, other people don't really exist.

Day 3: Its tearing you apart. You cannot ask her, you cannot not ask. In a mad moment you blurt out everything. She doesn't mind.

Day 2: But the world does. Everyone sees a problem, everyone has an opinion. You pick the genuine ones and deal with them.

Day 1: D-day. All clear. You have paid the price. You cant wait to get her home. The macbook is yours!

Like Barney says, true story.

(Apologies to the Apple clan for the calling the macbook a she. Please do not kill me.)


Sumit Sorde said...

Indeed, this post is legendary!

vinaya said...

Awesome is the word now. Oh i forget, you havent watched some of the latest episodes, have you :P

Arjun Karande said...

Thanks for appending an 'a' for clarity.

vinaya said...

I dont generally like to add that 'a', but this time, i knew people might pause and wonder.
Did you pause and wonder?

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